
Monday, October 8, 2018

'Take this seriously': Michael could strike Florida as Category 3 ...

With Hurricane Michael rapidly intensifying and threatening to smash Florida's Panhandle with dangerous storm surge, flooding and winds, Gov. Rick Scott didn't mince words on Monday night: "Making decisions tomorrow might be too late."

Described by Scott as both "monstrous" and "massive," Michael could make landfall as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of at least 111 mph, according to current projections. It's forecast to become a major hurricane sometime Tuesday and should make landfall Wednesday afternoon or evening, likely between Pensacola in the far western Panhandle and Apalachicola, directly south of Tallahassee on the coast.

"Michael could be one of the worst hurricanes to ever strike the Florida Big Bend and Florida Panhandle region," warned Weather Channel hurricane expert Rick Knabb.

Michael's maximum sustained winds increased to 85 mph with higher gusts on Monday, the National Hurricane Center said.

Related: Hurricane Michael forces cruise ships on Western Caribbean itineraries to reroute

More: Tropical Storm Michael: First airline waiver is out

More: Track Hurricane Michael

"Michael could produce three life-threatening hazards along portions of the northeastern Gulf Coast: storm surge, heavy rainfall and hurricane-force winds," according to the hurricane center. 

Because of the storm surge threat, three Florida Panhandle counties issued mandatory evacuation orders. 

A hurricane warning was posted for the Florida Gulf Coast, all the way from the Alabama-Florida border to the Suwannee River in Florida. A storm surge of up to 12 feet is forecast for a large section of the Florida coast.

According to the hurricane center, one potential impact from a Category 3 hurricane is that "electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes."

A major hurricane is a Category 5, 4 or 3 hurricane, which has winds of at least 111 mph. If the forecast is correct, Michael would be the 11th major hurricane to hit Florida in October since records began in 1851, Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach said.

Scott declared an emergency in 35 counties and asked President Donald Trump for help. Florida State University announced it will close from Tuesday through Friday this week.

“Take this seriously and keep your family safe,” Scott said from Bay County on Monday. “We know that a storm like Michael can be devastating and deadly.”

Scott said 500 Florida National Guard members were activated for planning, logistics and response, and 5,000 stood at the ready.

"Do not take a chance on storm surge," Scott said. "This storm will be life-threatening and really dangerous. This is coming very fast."

Speaking Monday to the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention in Orlando, Trump urged residents to heed local warnings and pledged the federal government's support.

“Never ends, but we’re all prepared and hopefully it won’t be as bad as it’s looking,” Mr. Trump said. “It looked a couple of days ago like it was not going to be much, and now it’s looking like it could be a very big one, so we’re prepared. And good luck.”

In the popular tourist destination of Seaside, people were starting to feel nervous, said Kevin Boyle, the town's director of events. 

"I think everyone has been caught off guard by how quickly this thing has grown. It's started to slow down and strengthen out there in the Gulf and now we are looking at the possibility of a major hurricane hitting us dead on," he said. 

"It's kind of got us all on edge right now," Rachel Burke, general manger of Brass Tap Craft Beer Bar on Panama City Beach, said Monday afternoon. 

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey declared a state of emergency in her state, "in anticipation of widespread power outages, wind damage and debris produced by high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Michael." 

The National Weather Service in Tallahassee said: "This is a storm to definitely take very seriously. Storm preparations should be rushed to completion today and Tuesday."

As of 8 p.m. EST Monday, Michael was centered about 60 miles north-northwest of the western tip of Cuba and about 485 miles south of Apalachicola, Florida. It was moving north at 12 mph. 

After the storm moves inland, it could dump additional unwanted rain on the Carolinas, which were battered by Florence in September. "Areas hit hard by Florence may face disruptions to ongoing cleanup efforts or renewed flooding depending on the track of the storm," AccuWeather senior meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said.

Michael is the seventh hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.

Contributing: Karl Etters, Tallahassee Democrat; Amber Roberson, USA TODAY Network; Melissa Nelson Gabriel, Pensacola News Journal.

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With Hurricane Michael rapidly intensifying and threatening to smash Florida's Panhandle with dangerous storm surge, flooding and winds, Gov. Rick Scott didn't mince words on Monday night: "Making decisions tomorrow might be too late."

Described by Scott as both "monstrous" and "massive," Michael could make landfall as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of at least 111 mph, according to current projections. It's forecast to become a major hurricane sometime Tuesday and should make landfall Wednesday afternoon or evening, likely between Pensacola in the far western Panhandle and Apalachicola, directly south of Tallahassee on the coast.

"Michael could be one of the worst hurricanes to ever strike the Florida Big Bend and Florida Panhandle region," warned Weather Channel hurricane expert Rick Knabb.

Michael's maximum sustained winds increased to 85 mph with higher gusts on Monday, the National Hurricane Center said.

Related: Hurricane Michael forces cruise ships on Western Caribbean itineraries to reroute

More: Tropical Storm Michael: First airline waiver is out

More: Track Hurricane Michael

"Michael could produce three life-threatening hazards along portions of the northeastern Gulf Coast: storm surge, heavy rainfall and hurricane-force winds," according to the hurricane center. 

Because of the storm surge threat, three Florida Panhandle counties issued mandatory evacuation orders. 

A hurricane warning was posted for the Florida Gulf Coast, all the way from the Alabama-Florida border to the Suwannee River in Florida. A storm surge of up to 12 feet is forecast for a large section of the Florida coast.

According to the hurricane center, one potential impact from a Category 3 hurricane is that "electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes."

A major hurricane is a Category 5, 4 or 3 hurricane, which has winds of at least 111 mph. If the forecast is correct, Michael would be the 11th major hurricane to hit Florida in October since records began in 1851, Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach said.

Scott declared an emergency in 35 counties and asked President Donald Trump for help. Florida State University announced it will close from Tuesday through Friday this week.

“Take this seriously and keep your family safe,” Scott said from Bay County on Monday. “We know that a storm like Michael can be devastating and deadly.”

Scott said 500 Florida National Guard members were activated for planning, logistics and response, and 5,000 stood at the ready.

"Do not take a chance on storm surge," Scott said. "This storm will be life-threatening and really dangerous. This is coming very fast."

Speaking Monday to the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention in Orlando, Trump urged residents to heed local warnings and pledged the federal government's support.

“Never ends, but we’re all prepared and hopefully it won’t be as bad as it’s looking,” Mr. Trump said. “It looked a couple of days ago like it was not going to be much, and now it’s looking like it could be a very big one, so we’re prepared. And good luck.”

In the popular tourist destination of Seaside, people were starting to feel nervous, said Kevin Boyle, the town's director of events. 

"I think everyone has been caught off guard by how quickly this thing has grown. It's started to slow down and strengthen out there in the Gulf and now we are looking at the possibility of a major hurricane hitting us dead on," he said. 

"It's kind of got us all on edge right now," Rachel Burke, general manger of Brass Tap Craft Beer Bar on Panama City Beach, said Monday afternoon. 

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey declared a state of emergency in her state, "in anticipation of widespread power outages, wind damage and debris produced by high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Michael." 

The National Weather Service in Tallahassee said: "This is a storm to definitely take very seriously. Storm preparations should be rushed to completion today and Tuesday."

As of 8 p.m. EST Monday, Michael was centered about 60 miles north-northwest of the western tip of Cuba and about 485 miles south of Apalachicola, Florida. It was moving north at 12 mph. 

After the storm moves inland, it could dump additional unwanted rain on the Carolinas, which were battered by Florence in September. "Areas hit hard by Florence may face disruptions to ongoing cleanup efforts or renewed flooding depending on the track of the storm," AccuWeather senior meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said.

Michael is the seventh hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.

Contributing: Karl Etters, Tallahassee Democrat; Amber Roberson, USA TODAY Network; Melissa Nelson Gabriel, Pensacola News Journal.

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Bambang Widjojanto Pertanyakan Nyali KPK Periksa Tito Karnavian

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Bekas Wakil Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, Bambang Widjojanto mempertanyakan keberanian Ketua KPK Agus Rahardjo cs untuk memeriksa Kepala Kepolisian RI Jenderal Tito Karnavian terkait kasus korupsi yang menjerat bos CV Sumber Laut Perkasa Basuki Hariman. Dia juga mempertanyakan kesungguhan KPK untuk menuntaskan kasus tersebut.

Baca: Indonesialeaks Ungkap Aliran Dana Basuki Hariman ke Pejabat Polri

“Pimpinan KPK tengah diuji publik apakah masih punya nyali untuk membongkar kasus ini hingga tuntas, setidaknya memanggil dan memeriksa Tito Karnavian,” kata Bambang dalam keterangan tertulis, Senin, 8 Oktober 2018.

Bambang menyampaikan itu untuk menanggapi pemberitaan mengenai dugaan perusakan barang bukti berupa buku bank bersampul merah atas nama Serang Noor IR oleh dua penyidik KPK, Ajun Komisaris Besar Roland Ronaldy dan Komisarisaris Harun. Roland dan Harun diduga telah merobek 15 lembar catatan transaksi dalam buku bank tersebut dan membubuhkan tip ex untuk menghapus sejumlah nama penerima uang dari Basuki.

Peristiwa tersebut terekam dalam CCTV di ruang kolaborasi lantai 9 Gedung KPK pada 7 April 2017. KPK telah mengembalikan keduanya ke kepolisian karena dugaan perusakan tersebut.

Baca: Soal Temuan Indonesialeaks, Begini Tanggapan Polri

Isi lembaran buku yang hilang tersebut berisi catatan transaksi keuangan yang dibuat oleh Bagian Keuangan CV Sumber Laut Perkasa Kumala Dewi Sumartono. Keterangan Kumala soal buku tersebut tercatat dalam berita acara pemeriksaan yang dibuat oleh penyidik KPK Surya Tarmiani pada 9 Maret 2017.

Dokumen pemeriksaan tersebut mengungkap keterangan Kumala tentang catatan pengeluaran uang Basuki yang ditengarai salah satunya buat para petinggi polisi, termasuk Tito. Ketika bersaksi untuk kasus yang sama di pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi pada 3 Juli lalu, Kumala mengakui dialah yang membuat buku catatan itu atas perintah Basuki dan atasannya, Ng Fenny, yang menjabat general manager.

Menurut dokumen pemeriksaan yang diperoleh IndonesiaLeaks, Surya meminta penjelasan ke Kumala tentang 68 transaksi yang tercatat dalam buku bank merah atas nama Serang Noor itu. Catatan arus uang masuk dan keluar dalam mata uang rupiah, dolar Amerika, dan Singapura. Tak semua penerima tertulis dengan nama jelas. Sebagian hanya menggunakan inisial.

Baca: Indonesialeaks Menguak Perusakan Barang Bukti Eks Penyidik KPK

Seperti tertuang dalam salinan berita acara pemeriksaan itu, ada 19 catatan transaksi untuk individu yang terkait dengan institusi Kepolisian RI. Tertulis dalam dokumen itu bahwa nama Tito Karnavian tercatat paling banyak mendapat duit dari Basuki langsung maupun melalui orang lain. Tertulis di dokumen itu bahwa dalam buku bank merah nama Tito tercatat sebagai Kapolda/Tito atau Tito saja.

Kumala menjelaskan, dalam dokumen pemeriksaan, ada pemberian dana kepada Tito saat ia menduduki kursi Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Metropolitan Jakarta Raya. Tito memegang posisi ini pada Juni 2015 hingga Maret 2016. Empat pengeluaran lain tercatat ketika ia menjabat Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme pada Maret-Juli 2016. Aliran lain tercatat sesudah ia dilantik Kepala Kepolisian RI. Nominal untuk setiap transaksi berkisar Rp 1 miliar.

Kepala Kepolisian RI Jenderal Tito Karnavian enggan menanggapi informasi aliran dana dalam berkas penyidikan Kumala. Tak satu pun pertanyaan yang ia jawab. Ia mengaku sudah mendelegasikan permohonan wawancara tim Indonesialeaks kepada bawahannya. “Sudah dijawab sama humas,” ujarnya.

Lewat surat tertulis, Muhammad Iqbal selaku Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat Divisi Humas Mabes Polri saat itu, membantah aliran dana kepada Tito. Menurut dia, catatan dalam buku merah itu belum tentu benar. “Tidak benar, Kapolri tidak pernah menerima itu. Dulu waktu menjadi Kapolda Papua, Kapolri juga pernah mengalami hal yang sama dan sudah diklarifikasi,” kata dia.

Bambang mengatakan meski telah dibantah, KPK masih perlu memeriksa Tito. Dia mengatakan pemeriksaan Tito diperlukan untuk mengkonfirmasi bantahan Iqbal mengenai aliran dana tersebut. “Untuk mendapatkan konfirmasi soal klaim Muhammad Iqbal,” kata dia.


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Pasar Tradisional Taccipi Bone Ludes Terbakar

Laporan Wartawan Justang Muh

TRIBUNBONE.COM, TANETE RIATTANG- Pasar tradisional Taccipi di Kelurahan Cinnong, Kecamatan Ulaweng, Kabupaten Bone, ludes terbakar, Selasa (9/10/2018) dini hari.

Pasar yang terletak 16 kilometer dari bagian barat Watampone, ibu kota kabupaten Bone mulai terbakar sekitar pukul 23.30 Wita Senin (8/10/2018) malam.

Besarnya kobakaran api membuat pemadam kebakaran kesulitan memadamkan api. Butuh dua jam, api baru dapat dipadamkan.

Kapolsek Ulaweng Iptu Muh Taqdir menuturkan api bersumber dari tengah pasar.

"Api berasal dari dalam pasar, di tengah pasar, untuk memadamkan api butuh waktu hingga dua jam," kata Iptu Muh Taqdir kepada, Selasa (9/10/2018).

"Tidak ada korban jiwa dalam peristiwa itu," jelasnya.

Akibatnya, ratusan kios dan los pedagang ludes terbakar di pasar yang terletak di Poros Bone - Makassar itu.

Pasar Taccipi yang terletak di ibu kota kecamatan Ulaweng itu menjadi sentral untuk kebutuhan pokok warga Kecamatan Ulaweng, Tellu Siattinge, Bengo, dan Amali.

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Ini Pertimbangan Partai Gerindra Laporkan Ratna Sarumpaet ke Polisi

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Anggota Dewan Penasehat Gerindra Muhammad Syafi'i angkat bicara mengenai langkah partainya mempolisikan Ratna Sarumpaet.

Menurutnya ada sejumlah pertimbangan teknis mengapa Gerindra pada akhirnya ikut mempolisikan Ratna yang statusnya sudah menjadi tersangka tersebut.

"Saya kira itu pertimbangan pertimbangan teknis ya," ujar Syafii'i di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta Senin, (8/10/2018).

Menurutnya sudah menjadi resiko Ratna Sarumpaet dilaporkan banyak pihak ke polisi. Pasalnya Ratna telah merekayasa penganiayaan yang membuat sejumlah merasa dibohongi.

"Ini kan risiko yang harus diterima akibat pengakuan kebohongan seorang Ratna Sarumpaet," katanya.

Baca: Reaksi Raffi Ahmad Saat Tahu Iriana Jokowi Mengidolakannya

Meskipun demikian Syafi'i enggan menjabarkan pertimbangan apa yang membuat Gerindra melaporkan Ratna ke Polisi. Hal tersebut menurut Syafi'i sebaiknya ditanyakan ke divisi hukum Gerindra.

"Itu memang ada bidang yang mengurusi hal itu kenapa kemudian diputuskan melaporkan kenapa waktu itu dipertimbangkan dilaporkan atau tidak," katanya.

Sebelumnya, Partai Gerindra akhirnya melaporkan Ratna Sarumpaet ke Polisi. Niatan tersebut sempat dibatalkan kubu Prabowo dengan alasan tidak ingin menambah tekanan kepada Ratna yang banyak dilaporkan sejumlah elemen masyarakat.

"Karena apa yang dilakukan Ratna Sarumpaet kemarin, juga merugikan nama baik Gerindra, tak terkecuali kita sebagai masyarakat," ujar Sekretaris Lembaga Advokasi Hukum Gerindra DKI, Mohamad Taufiqurrahman, dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima di Jakarta, Minggu (7/10/2018).

Selain merugikan kubu Prabowo-Sandi, alasan pelaporan juga yakni apa yang dilakukan Ratna dengan merekayasa cerita penganiayaan menyebabkan situasi politik gaduh.

"Akibat kebohongan yang dilakukan Ratna, juga membuat situasi republik yang sedang melaksanakan pilpres ini terganggu. Mengganggu demokrasi yang berjalan. Untuk itu, saya anggap ini perlu diluruskan, perlu disikapi," katanya.

Menurut Taufiq pihaknya memiliki kedudukan yang sama di mata hukum. Oleh karena itu meski telah berstatus tersangka pihaknya tetap melaporkan Ratna Sarumpaet.

"Kan, prinsipnya, tiap orang punya hak sama di muka hukum," katanya.

Adapun pelaporan Ratna tertuang dalam Laporan itu bernomor LP/5381/X/2018/PMJ/Dit. Reskrimsus. Dalam laporannya, Ratna diduga melanggar Pasal 28 ayat (2) jo. Pasal 45 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dan/atau Pasal 14 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1946 tentang Peraturan Hukum Pidana.

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FDA OKs Inotersen (Tegsedi) for Hereditary ATTR With Polyneuropathy

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved inotersen (Tegsedi, Akcea Therapeutics and Ionis Pharmaceuticals) for the treatment of polyneuropathy (PN) in adults with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (hATTR).

hATTR-PN is a rare, progressive condition in which a mutation in the transthyretin (TTR) gene can lead to TTR amyloidosis, a severe, progressive deposition of amyloid in organs that results in multiorgan failure. Inotersen is an antisense oligonucleotide inhibitor of both mutant and wild-type TTR protein.

The FDA's approval of inotersen was based on results from the phase 3 NEURO-TTR study, which were presented at the American Neurological Association Annual Meeting in 2017 and were reported by Medscape Medical News at that time.

For the study, 172 patients with stage 1 or 2 hATTR-PN were randomly assigned to receive weekly self-administered subcutaneous injections of inotersen 300 mg (n = 112) or placebo (n = 60) for 15 months.

Treatment with inotersen produced up to a 79% mean decrease from baseline in serum TTR protein in patients regardless of TTR mutation, sex, age, or race.

Patients treated with inotersen showed a mean improvement of nearly 20 points in the primary endpoint of the modified Neuropathy Impairment Score+7 (mNIS+7) compared with patients given placebo. A statistically significant benefit was seen as early as month 8. The mNIS+7 score includes measures of factors such as muscle weakness, reflexes, nerve conduction, autonomic function, and sensation.

Patients treated with inotersen also improved with respect to the other primary endpoint of the Norfolk Quality of Life Diabetic-Neuropathy score, with a mean change from baseline of -11.68 compared with placebo.

"The rapid and sustained improvements compared to placebo and reversal in measures of disease seen in a substantial proportion of patients coupled with the independence offered through self injection provide a sense of hope not only to patients, but to their caregivers and families as well," Morie Gertz, MD, hematologist and chair emeritus of internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, said in a company news release.

"This approval represents a significant advancement for the patients, families, caregivers and healthcare professionals in the US who need more options for the medical management of this disease," added Isabelle Lousada, founder and CEO of the Amyloidosis Research Consortium. "I am now more optimistic than ever that we can increase awareness of this rare disease, support faster diagnosis and provide better treatment."

Inotersen is associated with risk for thrombocytopenia and glomerulonephritis. Enhanced monitoring is required to support early detection and management of these identified risks. The drug is being marketed with a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy. Full prescribing information, including a boxed warning, is available online.

To assist patients with hATTR amyloidosis, Akcea Therapeutics has created Akcea Connect, a patient support program made up of nurse case managers who can provide private and personalized support to patients and their caregivers and families.

Inotersen is also approved in the European Union and Canada.

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Penghimpunan Dana di Pasar Modal Diramal Susut Tahun Ini

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) memperkirakan penghimpunan dana di pasar modal (fundraising) tahun ini bakal susut dibandingkan capaian tahun lalu.

Tahun lalu, penghimpunan dana di pasar modal mencapai Rp254,51 triliun. Jumlah tersebut, meliputi penawaran umum perdana saham (IPO) senilai Rp9,6 triliun, Penawaran Umum Terbatas (PUT) sebesar Rp88,2 triliun, serta obligasi dan sukuk korporasi sebesar Rp156,71 triliun.

"Besarnya (penghimpunan dana di pasar modal) mungkin tidak sebesar tahun lalu," ujar Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Pasar Modal OJK Hoesen di Gedung BEI, Senin (8/10).

Hoesen menyebut koreksi penghimpunan dana di pasar modal disebabkan perusahaan telah maksimal dalam meraih pendanaan di pasar modal tahun lalu, baik melalui IPO maupun penerbitan surat utang. Namun, ia tidak menyebut perkiraan besarnya koreksi itu.

Meskipun bakal ada korekasi, Hoesen menyebut tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan kondisi pasar yang cenderung volatilitas akibat faktor eksternal dan pelemahan rupiah.

"Mungkin karena tahun 2017 besar sekali (penghimpunan dana di pasar modal), jadi mungkin beberapa perusahaan sudah ambil di sebelumnya," jelas Hoesen.

Mengutip data statistik pasar modal OJK, penghimpunan dana di pasar modal pada periode Januari sampai dengan 21 September 2018 mencapai Rp130 triliun. Jumlah tersebut turun 23,23 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar Rp169,35 triliun.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Analis Binaartha Sekuritas Nafan Aji menilai pelaku pasar masih menunjukkan minat atas saham perusahaan yang melakukan IPO. Menurutnya investor lebih menyoroti prospek bisnis perusahaan ketimbang faktor eksternal dan pelemahan rupiah untuk membeli saham perusahaan.

"Saya rasa ini bisa menjadi indikator bahwa pasar modal kita masih berkembang di tengah-tengah paparan eksternal yang terjadi dan pelemahan rupiah," jelas Nafan.

Nafan melanjutkan baik investor maupun pengusaha seharusnya memanfaatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang ditargetkan pemerintah bisa mencapai 5,3 persen tahun ini. (ulf/agi)

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Jadwal Liga Champion 2018/2019 matchday 3 Live RCTI Selasa (9 ...

BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID -  Liga Champion 2018-2019 matchday 3 bergulir. Sejumlah laga menarik akan disiarkan langsung dan live streaming RCTI.

Beberapa tim besar akan menunjukkan kemampuan terbaiknya dalam Liga Champion 2018-2019 matchday 3. Di antaranya Bayern Muenchen, Juventus, Real Madrid, Man United, Barcelona dan banyak lainnya.

Para bintang di tim masing-masing tentu akan unjuk gigi untuk memastikan klub yang dibelanya bisa lanjut ke fase selanjutnya di Liga Champion 2018-2019.

Salah satu yang jadi perhatian adalah laga Manchester United vs Juventus yang akan digelar, Rabu (24/10/2018) dinihari WIB.

Baca: 5 Fakta Khabib Nurmagomedov, Penakluk Conor McGregor, Petarung Muslim Sampai Fans Real Madrid

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Baca: Sanksi Khabib Nurmagomedov Usai Rusuh dari Conor McGregor di UFC 229 Diungkap Presiden UFC

Baca: Link Live Streaming Pengamatan Hilal Safar 1440 H dan Doa Safar, BMKG : Serentak di 1 Provinsi

Pertandingan Manchester United vs Juventus di Liga Champion ini akan disiarkan langsung dan live streaming RCTI.

Juventus punya catatan negatif kontra MU. Bianconeri selalu kalah dalam tiga laga terakhirnya melawan klub Inggris tersebut.

Buruknya lagi, Juventus juga selalu kebobolan dua gol atau lebih dalam tiga pertemuan terakhir itu.

Para pemain Juventus merayakan gol Cristiano Ronaldo (kanan) ke gawang Udinese dalam partai Liga Italia di Dacia Arena, Udine, 6 Oktober 2018.
Para pemain Juventus merayakan gol Cristiano Ronaldo (kanan) ke gawang Udinese dalam partai Liga Italia di Dacia Arena, Udine, 6 Oktober 2018. (MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP)

6 Pertemuan terakhir di Liga Champions:

25-02-2003 Juventus 0-3 MU (fase grup)
19-02-2003 MU 2-1 Juventus (fase grup)
21-04-1999 Juventus 2-3 MU (semifinal)
07-04-1999 MU 1-1 Juventus (semifinal)
10-12-1997 Juventus 1-0 MU (fase grup)
01-10-1997 MU 3-2 Juventus (fase grup).

Penyerang Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo, merayakan gol ke gawang Sassuolo dalam laga Liga Italia, 16 September 2018 di Juventus Stadium, Turin.
Penyerang Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo, merayakan gol ke gawang Sassuolo dalam laga Liga Italia, 16 September 2018 di Juventus Stadium, Turin. (MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP)

Terakhir kali Juventus bertemu dengan MU adalah di second group stage musim 2002/03.

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'Monstrous' Hurricane Michael forecast to hit Gulf Coast with 115 ...

With Hurricane Michael rapidly intensifying and threatening to smash Florida's Panhandle with dangerous storm surge, flooding and winds, Gov. Rick Scott didn't mince words on Monday night: "Making decisions tomorrow might be too late."

Described by Scott as both "monstrous" and "massive," Michael could make landfall as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of at least 111 mph, according to current projections. It's forecast to become a major hurricane sometime Tuesday and should make landfall Wednesday afternoon or evening, likely between Pensacola in the far western Panhandle and Apalachicola, directly south of Tallahassee on the coast.

"Michael could be one of the worst hurricanes to ever strike the Florida Big Bend and Florida Panhandle region," warned Weather Channel hurricane expert Rick Knabb.

Michael's maximum sustained winds increased to nearly 80 mph with higher gusts on Monday, the National Hurricane Center said.

Related: Hurricane Michael forces cruise ships on Western Caribbean itineraries to reroute

More: Tropical Storm Michael: First airline waiver is out

More: Track Hurricane Michael

"Michael could produce three life-threatening hazards along portions of the northeastern Gulf Coast: storm surge, heavy rainfall and hurricane-force winds," according to the hurricane center. 

Because of the storm surge threat, three Florida Panhandle counties issued mandatory evacuation orders. 

A hurricane warning was posted for the Florida Gulf Coast, all the way from the Alabama-Florida border to the Suwannee River in Florida. A storm surge of up to 12 feet is forecast for a large section of the Florida coast.

According to the hurricane center, one potential impact from a Category 3 hurricane is that "electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes."

A major hurricane is a Category 5, 4 or 3 hurricane, which has winds of at least 111 mph. If the forecast is correct, Michael would be the 11th major hurricane to hit Florida in October since records began in 1851, Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach said.

Scott declared an emergency in 35 counties and asked President Donald Trump for help. And, Florida State University announced it will close from Tuesday through Friday this week.

“Take this seriously and keep your family safe,” Scott said from Bay County on Monday. “We know that a storm like Michael can be devastating and deadly.”

Scott said 500 Florida National Guard members were activated for planning, logistics and response, and 5,000 stood at the ready.

"Do not take a chance on storm surge," Scott said. "This storm will be life-threatening and really dangerous. This is coming very fast."

Speaking Monday to the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention in Orlando, Trump urged residents to heed local warnings and pledged the federal government's support.

“Never ends, but we’re all prepared and hopefully it won’t be as bad as it’s looking,” Mr. Trump said. “It looked a couple of days ago like it was not going to be much, and now it’s looking like it could be a very big one, so we’re prepared. And good luck.”

In the popular tourist destination of Seaside, people were starting to feel nervous, said Kevin Boyle, the town's director of events. 

"I think everyone has been caught off guard by how quickly this thing has grown. It's started to slow down and strengthen out there in the Gulf and now we are looking at the possibility of a major hurricane hitting us dead on," he said. 

"It's kind of got us all on edge right now," Rachel Burke, general manger of Brass Tap Craft Beer Bar on Panama City Beach, said Monday afternoon. 

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey declared a state of emergency in her state, "in anticipation of widespread power outages, wind damage and debris produced by high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Michael." 

The National Weather Service in Tallahassee said, "This is a storm to definitely take very seriously. Storm preparations should be rushed to completion today and Tuesday."

Late Monday afternoon, Michael was centered about 30 miles off the western tip of Cuba and about 520 miles south of Apalachicola, Florida. It moved to the north at 9 mph. 

After the storm moves inland, it could dump additional unwanted rain on the Carolinas, which were battered by Florence in September. "Areas hit hard by Florence may face disruptions to ongoing cleanup efforts or renewed flooding depending on the track of the storm," AccuWeather senior meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said.

Michael is the seventh hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.

Contributing: Karl Etters, Tallahassee Democrat; Amber Roberson, USA TODAY Network; Melissa Nelson Gabriel, Pensacola News Journal.

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With Hurricane Michael rapidly intensifying and threatening to smash Florida's Panhandle with dangerous storm surge, flooding and winds, Gov. Rick Scott didn't mince words on Monday night: "Making decisions tomorrow might be too late."

Described by Scott as both "monstrous" and "massive," Michael could make landfall as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of at least 111 mph, according to current projections. It's forecast to become a major hurricane sometime Tuesday and should make landfall Wednesday afternoon or evening, likely between Pensacola in the far western Panhandle and Apalachicola, directly south of Tallahassee on the coast.

"Michael could be one of the worst hurricanes to ever strike the Florida Big Bend and Florida Panhandle region," warned Weather Channel hurricane expert Rick Knabb.

Michael's maximum sustained winds increased to nearly 80 mph with higher gusts on Monday, the National Hurricane Center said.

Related: Hurricane Michael forces cruise ships on Western Caribbean itineraries to reroute

More: Tropical Storm Michael: First airline waiver is out

More: Track Hurricane Michael

"Michael could produce three life-threatening hazards along portions of the northeastern Gulf Coast: storm surge, heavy rainfall and hurricane-force winds," according to the hurricane center. 

Because of the storm surge threat, three Florida Panhandle counties issued mandatory evacuation orders. 

A hurricane warning was posted for the Florida Gulf Coast, all the way from the Alabama-Florida border to the Suwannee River in Florida. A storm surge of up to 12 feet is forecast for a large section of the Florida coast.

According to the hurricane center, one potential impact from a Category 3 hurricane is that "electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes."

A major hurricane is a Category 5, 4 or 3 hurricane, which has winds of at least 111 mph. If the forecast is correct, Michael would be the 11th major hurricane to hit Florida in October since records began in 1851, Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach said.

Scott declared an emergency in 35 counties and asked President Donald Trump for help. And, Florida State University announced it will close from Tuesday through Friday this week.

“Take this seriously and keep your family safe,” Scott said from Bay County on Monday. “We know that a storm like Michael can be devastating and deadly.”

Scott said 500 Florida National Guard members were activated for planning, logistics and response, and 5,000 stood at the ready.

"Do not take a chance on storm surge," Scott said. "This storm will be life-threatening and really dangerous. This is coming very fast."

Speaking Monday to the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention in Orlando, Trump urged residents to heed local warnings and pledged the federal government's support.

“Never ends, but we’re all prepared and hopefully it won’t be as bad as it’s looking,” Mr. Trump said. “It looked a couple of days ago like it was not going to be much, and now it’s looking like it could be a very big one, so we’re prepared. And good luck.”

In the popular tourist destination of Seaside, people were starting to feel nervous, said Kevin Boyle, the town's director of events. 

"I think everyone has been caught off guard by how quickly this thing has grown. It's started to slow down and strengthen out there in the Gulf and now we are looking at the possibility of a major hurricane hitting us dead on," he said. 

"It's kind of got us all on edge right now," Rachel Burke, general manger of Brass Tap Craft Beer Bar on Panama City Beach, said Monday afternoon. 

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey declared a state of emergency in her state, "in anticipation of widespread power outages, wind damage and debris produced by high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Michael." 

The National Weather Service in Tallahassee said, "This is a storm to definitely take very seriously. Storm preparations should be rushed to completion today and Tuesday."

Late Monday afternoon, Michael was centered about 30 miles off the western tip of Cuba and about 520 miles south of Apalachicola, Florida. It moved to the north at 9 mph. 

After the storm moves inland, it could dump additional unwanted rain on the Carolinas, which were battered by Florence in September. "Areas hit hard by Florence may face disruptions to ongoing cleanup efforts or renewed flooding depending on the track of the storm," AccuWeather senior meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said.

Michael is the seventh hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.

Contributing: Karl Etters, Tallahassee Democrat; Amber Roberson, USA TODAY Network; Melissa Nelson Gabriel, Pensacola News Journal.

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Zinedine Zidane Tak Ingin Gantikan Jose Mourinho, Manchester - Mantan pelatih Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane, menyatakan tak ingin mengambil alih Manchester United dari Jose Mourinho. Hal tersebut dikonfirmasi oleh sang agen, Alain Migliaccio.

Zinedine Zidane disebut sebagai kandidat terkuat untuk menjadi manajer Manchester United jika Mourinho dipecat. Saat ini, Zidane tak terikat dengan klub mana pun setelah mundur dari posisinya sebagai pelatih Real Madrid.

Migliaccio mengatakan kalau Zidane belum memiliki rencana untuk kembali ke sepak bola.

"Saya rasa, Zidane tak akan melanjutkan kariernya di Inggris. Zidane mengatakan kalau cara bermain di Inggris sangat berbeda dengan gayanya," ujar Migliaccio.

"Saya sudah berdiskusi dengannya dan dia sama sekali tak tertarik dengan rencana tersebut. Dia masih ingin cuti selama semusim dan tak akan mengubah pendiriannya," ungkap Migliaccio.

Manchester United memutuskan untuk mendukung Jose Mourinho pada musim 2018-19. Sebelumnya, sempat terbesit kabar kalau laga melawan Newcastle United akan menjadi laga terakhir Mourinho menjadi manajer The Red Devils.

Namun, kabar tersebut tak terbukti karena manajemen memutuskan memberi Mourinho kesempatan untuk membalikkan nasib Manchester United. Selain Zidane, calon lain yang juga dikaitkan dengan Manchester United adalah Laurent Blanc dan Antonio Conte.

Sumber: Metro

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'Monstrous' Hurricane Michael forecast to hit Gulf Coast with 115 ...

Hurricane Michael is heading for a landfall as a major hurricane with 115-mph winds along the Gulf Coast on Wednesday, prompting a hurricane warning for the region.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott said Michael is a “monstrous storm” that has the potential to devastate the Florida Panhandle.

 "Michael could be one of the worst hurricanes to ever strike the Florida Big Bend and Florida Panhandle region," warned Weather Channel hurricane expert Rick Knabb.

Maximum sustained winds increased to nearly 80 mph with higher gusts, the National Hurricane Center said. Steady to rapid strengthening is expected for the next day or so. Michael is forecast to become a major hurricane by Tuesday or Tuesday night and should make landfall Wednesday afternoon or evening.

"Michael could produce three life-threatening hazards along portions of the northeastern Gulf Coast: storm surge, heavy rainfall and hurricane-force winds," according to the hurricane center. 

Because of the storm surge threat, three Florida Panhandle counties issued mandatory evacuation orders. 

 A hurricane warning was posted for the Florida Gulf Coast, all the way from the Alabama-Florida border to the Suwannee River in Florida. A storm surge of up to 12 feet is forecast for a large section of the Florida coast.

According to the hurricane center, one potential impact from a Category 3 hurricane is that "electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes."

A major hurricane is a Category 3, 4 or 5 hurricane, which has winds of at least 111 mph. If the forecast is correct, Michael would be the 11th major hurricane to hit Florida in October since records began in 1851, Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach said.

Scott declared an emergency in 35 counties and asked President Donald Trump for help.

More: Track Hurricane Michael

“Take this seriously and keep your family safe,” Scott said from Bay County on Monday. “We know that a storm like Michael can be devastating and deadly.”

Florida State University announced it will close from Tuesday through Friday this week. 

Scott said 500 Florida National Guard members were activated for planning, logistics and response, and 5,000 stood at the ready.

"Do not take a chance on storm surge," Scott said. "This storm will be life-threatening and really dangerous. This is coming very fast."

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey declared a state of emergency in her state, "in anticipation of widespread power outages, wind damage and debris produced by high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Michael." 

The National Weather Service in Tallahassee said, "This is a storm to definitely take very seriously. Storm preparations should be rushed to completion today and Tuesday."

Late Monday afternoon, Michael was centered about 30 miles off the western tip of Cuba and about 520 miles south of Apalachicola, Florida. It moved to the north at 9 mph. 

After the storm moves inland, it could dump additional unwanted rain on the Carolinas, which were battered by Florence in September. "Areas hit hard by Florence may face disruptions to ongoing cleanup efforts or renewed flooding depending on the track of the storm," AccuWeather senior meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said.

Michael is the seventh hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.

In the Pacific, Hurricane Sergio spun about 1,300 miles southwest of Mexico's Baja Peninsula. It's forecast to move toward the Baja this week and make landfall as a tropical storm by week's end.

A separate storm system is forecast to drench the central USA in heavy rain this week. Flash flooding is possible in portions of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.

Contributing: Karl Etters, the Tallahassee Democrat; Amber Roberson, USA TODAY Network

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Hurricane Michael is heading for a landfall as a major hurricane with 115-mph winds along the Gulf Coast on Wednesday, prompting a hurricane warning for the region.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott said Michael is a “monstrous storm” that has the potential to devastate the Florida Panhandle.

 "Michael could be one of the worst hurricanes to ever strike the Florida Big Bend and Florida Panhandle region," warned Weather Channel hurricane expert Rick Knabb.

Maximum sustained winds increased to nearly 80 mph with higher gusts, the National Hurricane Center said. Steady to rapid strengthening is expected for the next day or so. Michael is forecast to become a major hurricane by Tuesday or Tuesday night and should make landfall Wednesday afternoon or evening.

"Michael could produce three life-threatening hazards along portions of the northeastern Gulf Coast: storm surge, heavy rainfall and hurricane-force winds," according to the hurricane center. 

Because of the storm surge threat, three Florida Panhandle counties issued mandatory evacuation orders. 

 A hurricane warning was posted for the Florida Gulf Coast, all the way from the Alabama-Florida border to the Suwannee River in Florida. A storm surge of up to 12 feet is forecast for a large section of the Florida coast.

According to the hurricane center, one potential impact from a Category 3 hurricane is that "electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes."

A major hurricane is a Category 3, 4 or 5 hurricane, which has winds of at least 111 mph. If the forecast is correct, Michael would be the 11th major hurricane to hit Florida in October since records began in 1851, Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach said.

Scott declared an emergency in 35 counties and asked President Donald Trump for help.

More: Track Hurricane Michael

“Take this seriously and keep your family safe,” Scott said from Bay County on Monday. “We know that a storm like Michael can be devastating and deadly.”

Florida State University announced it will close from Tuesday through Friday this week. 

Scott said 500 Florida National Guard members were activated for planning, logistics and response, and 5,000 stood at the ready.

"Do not take a chance on storm surge," Scott said. "This storm will be life-threatening and really dangerous. This is coming very fast."

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey declared a state of emergency in her state, "in anticipation of widespread power outages, wind damage and debris produced by high winds and heavy rain associated with Hurricane Michael." 

The National Weather Service in Tallahassee said, "This is a storm to definitely take very seriously. Storm preparations should be rushed to completion today and Tuesday."

Late Monday afternoon, Michael was centered about 30 miles off the western tip of Cuba and about 520 miles south of Apalachicola, Florida. It moved to the north at 9 mph. 

After the storm moves inland, it could dump additional unwanted rain on the Carolinas, which were battered by Florence in September. "Areas hit hard by Florence may face disruptions to ongoing cleanup efforts or renewed flooding depending on the track of the storm," AccuWeather senior meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski said.

Michael is the seventh hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.

In the Pacific, Hurricane Sergio spun about 1,300 miles southwest of Mexico's Baja Peninsula. It's forecast to move toward the Baja this week and make landfall as a tropical storm by week's end.

A separate storm system is forecast to drench the central USA in heavy rain this week. Flash flooding is possible in portions of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.

Contributing: Karl Etters, the Tallahassee Democrat; Amber Roberson, USA TODAY Network

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Diskusi di Ruang Ganti Jadi Kunci Kemenangan Manchester United, Manchester - Manchester United sedang mengalami masalah internal akibat perselisihan Jose Mourinho dengan sejumlah pemain. Paul Pogba disebut sebagai pemain yang mengawali perpecahan antara pemain dan manajer.

Jose Mourinho disebut berada dalam masa sulit kariernya. Hal itu dikarenakan perselisihan dengan para pemain bintang The Red Devils. Antonio Valencia, David de Gea dan Alexis Sanchez mengikuti jejak Paul Pogba bertengkar dengan sang manajer.

Hal itu membuat The Red Devils kesulitan untuk meraih hasil positif. Pada laga akhir pekan lalu, Manchester United harus tertinggal dua gol terlebih dahulu dari Newcastle United pada babak pertama.

Namun, Manchester United membalikkan kedudukan dan mengamankan kemenangan dengan skor 3-2. Menurut Mourinho, diskusi di ruang ganti menjadi kunci keberhasil timnya mengamankan kemenangan di Old Trafford.

"Kami membuka hati dan saling berbicara pada jeda pertandingan. Saya berbicara taktik selama dua menit," ujar Mourinho.

"Lalu, kami membahas hal lain selama delapan menit. Beberapa pemain mengeluarkan unek-uneknya kepada saya."

"Hal itu membuat mereka lebih siap menghadapi babak kedua dan hasilnya adalah kami menjadi pemenang," ungkap Mourinho.

Paul Pogba tampil sensasional dalam usaha Manchester United membalikkan kedudukan. Pogba berperan dalam gol kedua Manchester United yang dicetak Anthony Martial.

Sumber: Metro

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Andik Vermansah dan Cerita Pulang ke Surabaya Selama 5 Hari, Surabaya - Andik Vermansah mendekati masa akhir bersama klub Malaysia, Kedah FA. Hal itu mengacu pada kontraknya, yang dikabarkan berakhir pada Desember 2018. Kontrak Andik bersama Kedah hanya berlangsung satu musim saja.

Dengan tuntasnya Liga Super Malaysia 2018, Andik Vermansah tak memiliki banyak aktivitas di sisa kontraknya bersama Kedah. Klub berjulukan Hijau-Kuning itu juga sudah tak lagi berkiprah di beberapa turnamen, seperti Piala FA maupun Piala Malaysia.

Andik pun menyempatkan untuk pulang kampung ke Surabaya. Sekitar lima hari ia berada di kampung halaman, sebelum kembali ke Malaysia pada Minggu (7/10/2018).

Pemain Timnas Indonesia di Piala AFF 2016 itu pamit pada sang ibunda, masih ada urusan yang harus diselesaikan dengan klubnya.

"Dia bilang kalau tidak salah, mau pulang lagi (ke Surabaya), November atau Desember nanti. Yang jelas, setelah kontraknya benar-benar selesai," kata Jumaiyah, ibunda Andik.

Dari sang ibunda, mendapatkan informasi aktivitas Andik selama lima hari di Surabaya.

"Saat baru datang dari Malaysia, dia ajak kami sekeluarga makan di sebuah kedai sea food di sekitar Jalan Kapasan. Di sana, Andik banyak bercanda. Sangat terlihat dia sangat rindu sama keluarga," katanya.

Setelah itu, Andik aktivitas Andik lebih banyak di luar rumah. Ia mengunjungi rekan-rekan lamanya untuk sekadar berjalan-jalan di mall atau di beberapa tempat lain. "Mungkin dia ke mall sambil cari makan. Biasanya seperti itu kalau sudah kumpul sama teman-temannya," ujar Jumaiyah.

Pada hari terakhir sebelum bertolak ke bandara, Andik Vermansah kembali mengajak keluarganya untuk makan-makan di sebuah restoran ternama di Surabaya. "Dia itu kalau mengajak makan, pasti minta saya yang pilih tempatnya. Karena dia ingin ajak kami ke restoran, akhirnya dia yang pilihkan," cerita sang ibunda.

Saat makan bersama keluarga besar, sang Ibunda pun titip pesan pada Andik supaya tidak meninggalkan salat lima waktu. "Biasa, anak muda kalau tidak diingatkan terus, takutnya lupa," kata Jumaiyah.

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Inilah Hadiah Termahal Diterima Nia Ramadhani dari Ardie Bakrie, Harganya Melebihi Berlian

BANGKAPOS.COM - Kehidupan Nia Ramadhani bak di negeri dongeng setelah dipersunting Ardie Bakrie, putra konglomerat Aburizal Bakrie.

Nia tak lagi bekerja keras untuk syuting hingga larut malam seperti yang dilakukan sebelumnya.

Kehidupannya pun jauh dari gosip miring.

Kini Nia dan Ardie Bakrie hidup bahagia bersama ketiga anaknya, Mikha, Mainaka, dan Gika.

Tentunya banyak yang penasaran, kira-kira hadiah termahal apa yang pernah diberikan Ardie Bakrie untuk Nia?

Ternyata, Ashanty juga begitu penasaran mengenai hadiah termahal apa yang pernah diberikan Ardie untuk Nia.

Ashanty menanyakan hal tersebut lalu diunggah melalui YouTube Channel The Hermansyah.

"Selama kamu menikah dengan Ardi, barang apa yang paling mahal yang pernah dikasih? Yang paling mahal," tanya Ashanty dengan rasa penasaran kepada Nia seperti dikutip dari Nakita.

Baca: Ini Reaksi Tak Terduga Nagita Slavina Melihat Langsung Adegan Raffi Ahmad Ciuman dengan Marsha Aruan

Jessica sempat menimpali bahwa banyak barang mahal yang diberikan Ardie.

Nia Ramadhani sempat berpikir beberapa saat untuk menjawab pertanyaan Ashanty.

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Sri Untari Duga Isu Dirinya Terjaring OTT KPK Sengaja Disebarkan

Laporan Wartawan, Sofyan Arif Candra Sakti

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, SURABAYA - Sekretaris DPD PDIP Jatim, Sri Untari menilai kabar dirinya terkena operasi tangkap tangan (ott) Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) sengaja disebarkan.

Ia menilai, berita yang viral tersebut disebarkan hanya untuk pengalihan isu untuk menutupi isu lain.

"Maka kita dorong dari kepolisian untuk memberantas hoax semacam ini dan menelusurinya," katanya saat ditemui di Kantor DPD PDIP Jatim, Jalan Kendangsari, Surabaya, Senin (8/10/2018).

Baca: Siswa SMP Bercelana Pramuka Ditemukan Tewas di Pinggir Sungai

Untari menuturkan, dirinya sempat mendapat kabar bahwa berita hoax tersebut merupakan pengembangan kasus OTT Walikota Pasuruan, Setiyono.

"Lho hubungan saya apa, karena saya tidak separtai dan tidak pernah berkomunikasi," ucap Untari.

Baca: Biduan di Langkat Ditemukan Tewas dalam Kondisi Mulut Dilakban

"Jadi mohon bisa dibantu kabar tersebut tidak benar, dan untuk menyampaikan bahwa saya sedang mengurusi partai kami dalam rangka pileg, dan pilpres," pungkasnya.(*)

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul "Dikabarkan Kena OTT KPK, Sekretaris PDIP Jatim, Sri Untari: Berantas Hoax Semacam ini".

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Nia Ramadhani Ngaku Kampungan Ketika Dibawa Pacaran dengan Ardi Bakrie dan Keluarga Naik Jet Pribadi

BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID - Pasangan selebritis Nia Ramadhani dan Ardi Bakrie kerap mengundang perhatian publik karena kisah asmara antara selebriti dan anak pengusaha kaya tanah air.

Sejak menikah tahun 2010 lalu, penampilan Nia Ramadhani telah bertransformasi menjadi sosialita papan atas usai dinikahi Ardi Bakrie.

Nia Ramadhani pun mulai vakum dari dunia hiburan sejak dipersunting Ardi Bakrie.

Banyak yang menganggap Nia Ramadhani sangatlah beruntung.

Baca: Download 8 Contoh Soal CPNS Usai Pendaftaran di Situs Resmi CPNS 2018,

Baca: Marsha Aruan Beradegan Mesra dengan Raffi Ahmad Sampai 10 Kali Take, Begini Reaksi Nagita Slavina

Baca: Deddy Corbuzier Patah Bahu, Sabrina Chairunnisa Ungkap Sudah 4 Kali Satu Tahun

Nia Ramadhani dan keluarganya.
Nia Ramadhani dan keluarganya. (instagram)

Menikah dengan pria yang 11 tahun lebuh tua darinya, Nia mendapatkan kasih sayang dan gelimang harta dari Ardi Bakrie.

Berasal dari keluarga biasa, rupanya Nia juga harus banyak belajar untuk menyesuaikan diri ketika berada di tengah keluarga Ardi.

Baru-baru ini, melalui acara Ngopi Dara yang dipublikasikan melalui kanal YouTube Trans TV Official pada Minggu (7/10/2018), Nia menceritakan pengalamannya ketika pertama kali menaiki jet Pribadi bersama Ardi dan keluarga.

Nia mengungkap, pada saat itu ia dan Ardie masih berstatus pacaran.

"Naik private jet gue pernah itu juga waktu pacaran sama keluarga juga," kata Nia.

Ibu 3 anak ini lantas menjelaskan, saat itu masih polos dan asing dengan private jet.

Di hari lebaran, Idul Fitri 2018, Nia Ramadhani memperlihatkan bagaimana tradisi bersama keluarga besar Bakrie.
Di hari lebaran, Idul Fitri 2018, Nia Ramadhani memperlihatkan bagaimana tradisi bersama keluarga besar Bakrie. (instagram)

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